Sunday 31 January 2010


When we where about to tell on someone we would chant

umm, I'm telling,
you're going to Batman's wedding...

There might have been another line but I can't remember.

Liar, Liar...

Put together some little typographic posters of the Liar, Liar rhyme. What do you guys think?

Diarrhea, Diarrhea...

When you’re lounging by the pool
and your ass begins to drool:
Diarrhea, diarrhea.

Lets get collaborating!

It comes out your bum
like a bullet from a gun
Diarrhea, diarrhea

When you're siting in a tree
and it dribbles down your knee
Diarrhea, diarrhea

It comes out your bum
like a pedigree chum
Diarrhea, diarrhea

The Macarena

Friday 29 January 2010

Stretchy Chokers

Apologies for the crappy photo!

The Compatibilty Test

The Disposable Camera

Maybe we could take some shots for the publication using this?

The Walkman


Big headed football figurines

Polly Pockets

Cabbage Patch Kids

Beanie Babies!

When I was at school, we had those old school Victorial type desks, and everyone would take all there books out their desks (Unless they were useful as a Beanie babe bed/sofa/kitchen etc) and make houses for out Beanie babies, (with the tags all still on of course!) They eventually got banned...

Some more TV Shows


A-B-C together, up together, down together
Back to front, knee to toe,
wiggle your bum and round you go,
pull the chain and start again...etc...

I went to a chinese restaurant to buy a loaf of bread bread bread,
I wrapped it in a 5 pound note and this is what I said said said,
My name is...Elvis Presley girls are sexy, sitting in the backseat drinking pepsi,
Had a little baby named it Daisy it went crazy, in the Royal Navy 1996!
(I don't think that was just me and my sisters!!

When Lucy was a baby,a baby Lucy was
She went a wah wah wah wah wah
When Lucy was a toddler a toddler lucy was
She went a suck suck suck suck suck
When Lucy was a kid, a kid lucy was
She went Miss miss, I cant do this, I've got my knickers in a right old twist
When Lucy was a teenager, a teenager she was
She went a ooh ahh Cantona, I left my bra in my boyfriends car!
When Lucy was a grown up, a grown up lucy was
She went nag nag nag nag nag
When Lucy was an old lady, an old lady she was,
She went rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle,
When Lucy was dead, dead lucy was she went...


Amazing 90's Hair!

What girl did not have a scrunchie or two?!

Thursday 28 January 2010

Quickity Quick

Can't find the original cheesestring advert with the "cheesestring wah di gurl dem wan" ragga rapping and the "real appealable cheese" fat kid talkin'. if anyone has it recorded in the ads on their smtv vhs please let us know.

Streets of Rage

10 Toys that made you gay

Jed, this ones just for you...

Sylvanian Families / My Little Pony / Trolls

Never realised how messed up My Little Pony looked!

Zhu Zhu Hamster

Not nineties, but still relevant. The craze this Christmas was the Zhu Zhu Hamster. Might be interesting to interview kids who got them at Christmas, and those that wanted them but couldn't get them?

Eyebrow lines

Following on from that genius picture of the Nike tick in the back of the head, the infamous eyebrow line...

I've tried searching but couldn't find it. I'm sure somewhere there's an image of a Kappa logo shaved into some chav's head. Will try to find it!

If you're hand is bigger than your face...

I remember falling for this trick at school. I then put everyone else through it.

- Did you know that if your hand is bigger than your face then you've got cancer?
- (Puts hand over face)
- Slap their hand into their face.

Simple, but effective.

Bull Boys Shoes

Get the power on your feet!

Ways that people turn gay.

Everyone who grew up through the 90s knows that in the 90s being gay was bad. nevertheless we tried to find more and more inventive ways of declaring our peers as gay. here is a short collection of some of these techniques. (Any more examples/personal stories welcome)

1) In conversation mumbling


if the person didn't understand what you said and asked; "what?" they are now gay.

2) Another common variation was


3) "If y*u read this y*u are g*y."

I have removed certain characters from the above sentence as to ensure that the reader of this article does not become gay, (not that there's anything wrong with that or anything). To read this sentence when inscribed on a desk is to become gay. Reading this often evokes the question.
"But if you wrote it you must have read it so you're gay too." but don't speak too soon as this may not necessarily the case, It is not inconceivable for someone to write with their eyes closed. And even if this weren't the case. saying it out loud proves the fact you read the words, and are now gay.

One school of thought stipulates that reading only half of the sentence does not have the same effect of making someone gay as reading the whole sentence, however it is commonly thought that if the reader gets as far as reading the word "this" they are turned gay.

4) The "Gay Chair"

A Gay Chair is a chair usually found in the classroom which has been inscribed using permanent marker or the sharp end of a compass with the words "Gay Chair".  This chair is now gay and anyone who sits in the Gay Chair turns gay. When sitting down is necessary and the Gay Chair is the only chair left; homosexuality can be avoided only with the use of another indelible inscription; Writing the word "Not" above or to the left of the word "Gay" instantly nullifies the gay power of the chair, turning it into a "Not Gay Chair". another method is to add an arrow pointing to the left or right. while this ensures the person seated in the chair with the writing is not necessarily gay the chair to the left or right of the inscribed chair is now a Gay Chair and whoever is sitting in that chair is now gay.

notes for further reasearch

-the gay card
-accidental limp wristedness
-batty mans legs

Pussy hands

T shirt from illustrating the childhood craze "Pussy Hands".


Wednesday 27 January 2010

POGs/Chupa Caps

Guys I've got all of these things so I can bring them in on Monday.

Home Alone

Sticker books/collectors cards

Brother's old collection.


Strike a pose

Kappa track suit, Push Pop in mouth and a Spice Girl pose. How 90s.

Minnie Mouse

Remember when you would wear outfits that